Post 5: Changes to my study program

Hi! Welcome to this new post. Today’s topic is “Changes to my study program”.

I am a dentistry student at the University of Chile. My career lasts six years at my university. This year is my second year in my career. The study program of my career in my university is very complete. The program includes a variety of courses with different themes and units. I like the approach in the different courses, this is more than just the oral cavity. Courses like “Anatomy of the human body” contribute to be a complete health professional.

I think that is very important because I will a health professional with big responsibilities like a general health of my patient. Thanks to this knowledge I will be a better professional. Is for this reason that I think the duration of this career is okay.

However, I think the academic charge is sometimes too much regarding to the numbers of courses in one semester. Additionally, I think the university facilities and technology used for student learning could be much better considering how expensive it is to study dentistry. 

I wouldn't change my curriculum, but I wish there were other ways to learn. I would like contact with patients to be from the first year of the career, holding community help days to provide knowledge about oral care. I also think that the teaching method in classes could be better by having more interaction with teachers and other students.

This is all for this post. See you in class. Bye!


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