
Post 5: Changes to my study program

Hi! Welcome to this new post. Today’s topic is “Changes to my study program”. I am a dentistry student at the University of Chile. My career lasts six years at my university. This year is my second year in my career. The study program of my career in my university is very complete. The program includes a variety of courses with different themes and units. I like the approach in the different courses, this is more than just the oral cavity. Courses like “Anatomy of the human body” contribute to be a complete health professional. I think that is very important because I will a health professional with big responsibilities like a general health of my patient. Thanks to this knowledge I will be a better professional. Is for this reason that I think the duration of this career is okay. However, I think the academic charge is sometimes too much regarding to the numbers of courses in one semester. Additionally, I think the university facilities and technology used for student learning could b

Post 4: time travel to the future or past

Hi! Welcome to this new post.  Today the topic to discuss is time travel :0 I will talk about where I would prefer to travel in time, having two options, travel to the past or travel to the future. In my opinion traveling to the past would be much better, but I wouldn't want to stay there. I really like the present, but I would choose to travel to the past to experience for a moment certain things that I have not been able to experience because I was born in another time. I would like to travel to Chile in the 80s and be part of that iconic decade for a moment. My parents have always told me how beautiful that time was for them, about the music they listened to, the clothes they wore, about the way of life in Chile at that time. I would like to watch television on those big televisions my parents tell me about. I would love to be able to dress for a moment like the teenagers of the time and walk the streets like that. I would like to see how different Chile is today compared to the

Post 3: My Dream Job

Hi! Welcome to this new post. In this post I will talk about my dream job and other things related to it. I am a dentistry student at the University of Chile. When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian, but over time I realized that I wouldn't be able to see animals suffer every day, so I ruled out the possibility of studying for it. I am studying my career because sciences have always caught my attention, especially health sciences. When I finished school, my preferences when deciding what to study included medicine, medical technology, and dentistry. I decided to study dentistry because I am excited to know that in the future this will allow me to impact the lives of many people by improving both their oral and mental health and therefore increasing their quality of life. My dream is to be a dentist. My experience so far at university has been good, although I have had ups and downs. I am currently happy with my decision to study dentistry at this university. I have learned

Video Talk

 Hi! This is the link of my video talk:    https://drive.google.com/file/d/13CkumBIYVS2hBgZgoCm2LRKdIFX8V8aP/view?usp=drivesdk  

Post 2: The best concert ever

  Hi!  Welcome to this new post. Today I tell you one story: Once upon a time (in March of this year :D)… I met one of my favorites bands! I was to the Imagine Dragons’ concert. This day I live one of the best experiences of my life. Before this concert I was to two concerts, to the One Direction concert when I was a child and to the Coldplay concert the last year. It was held at Estadio Bicentenario de La Florida. The experiencie was even better, because my boyfriend also went to the concert. The crazy thing is: he bought the ticket before we met :0. We come together to the place and wait the show for nine hours. The wait was hard. The sun was the worse, we bought a umbrella for this reason. I feel very lucky for this experience. I love music and the opportunity to enjoy some of my favorites songs on live was incredible. It was a especial and magical moment with my favorite person. Here are some photos from the day of the concert:

Post 1: I love Perú

 Hi! Welcome to my first blog. Today I saw the news and the reporter was in Perú. I never visited Perú, but I really like. I know only another country besides my country, this country is Argentina. Peru is a very interesting country for me. I would like to go to Peru and especially visit Lima and Machu Picchu. I would also like to eat some of their most typical foods such as ceviche or causa limeña. If I had to choose a time to go to Peru it would be in the month of July for the national holidays to be able to see some of their typical dances and see typical clothing. In my school I once danced a typical dance of Peru with its typical dress, and I liked it a lot. A friend of mine recently went to Peru for national holidays and brought me a guinea pig keychain with typical peruvian clothing. It's very nice, I leave you a photo (the other is my guinea pig :D). That's all for today, see you next week!